Get started as an Admin

What is Proactively, and what can it do for me as an Admin?

Proactively is about improving communication and sharing information quickly.  You can Invite more people into the system to encourage them to work together.  This could be employees, or contractors and suppliers. 

Access to the right data at the right time:  When you give people permission to view data, this means that they will be able to access it easily using powerful filters to quickly find what they need. 

Keep data secure: You can limit what people can see by using Teams. For example, you do not want suppliers to see each others information…or yours!

Keep information private: Personally Identifiable Information (eg. names and addresses) can be encrypted.  As Admin, you decide who can read this. 

Note: You will only see the Admin tab in the web portal, if you have the Admin permission. You need this to make changes to Teams and Permissions.
To add people into the system you need the Owner permission

Follow these steps to get up and running quickly

Most of the steps contain clickable orange links with more detail. 

1. Invite more people

1. View the people who are registered on the system with a password by opening the Admin tab, filtering to find the right person and then clicking to read the details

2. Send invitations to people so they can join the system and share information 


2. Let them see the right information

Decide what information each person will be able to access.  You can do this by allocating them to teams.  Teams are people with similar information needs, they may have the same role or be in the same location.

Within a team there are different roles:

  • Team member – who can see the forms for this team in their mobile App
  • Team leader – who can see forms and get notifications

If someone is not in a team, they will not see the forms for this team, nor be able to access any of the team’s information.   

3. Let them do the right things

Add permissions which will set what people are able to do.  The permissions are:

  • No permissions – able to use the mobile app to send in reports.  This is different to a QR code user, as this person can join specialist teams 
  • Viewing and actions – able to read reports, assign and track actions and see information in the dashboard
  • App Design – able to use the drag and drop App builder to change questions in the different forms
  • Admin – able to move people between teams and give permissions
  • Owner – able to add new Users
  • View Confidential – able to read the encrypted answers, eg. people’s names.  Other people will see this data as a row of stars
  • Can view draft forms – used for testing new forms. 

4. Add Teams for groups of similar people

Teams keep information apart and confidential. 

Group people with similar characteristics into teams.  All systems start with 2 teams: 

  • Registered users: for all people registered with email and password
  • QR code: for people that joined through a QR code, and are anonymous

You can add new teams. They could be grouped by: 

  • Locations (eg they work for the German company) 
  • Roles (eg. first aider)
  • Company (eg they work for a certain contractor) 

5. Put People in the Teams

Add people to the teams.  You can add people to a specialist team in the Admin > users tab.  In the example shown here:

  • John Smith is only in the UK team.  He can see all the UK reports, but not the Swiss team reports
  • Liam Keller is only in the Swiss Team
  • Managing Director, Matteo, is in both UK and Swiss teams, so can see Swiss and UK information

6. Put Forms in the Teams

 Add the forms needed to the team   Add forms that you want the Team to use in the Admin > Teams  These will appear automatically in the mobile app for team leader and members.   In the example shown here”

  • The incident form will be used by the UK and Swiss teams
  • The Vehicle inspection form is only used by the UK team
  • The Training feedback form is only used by the Swiss Team 


  • Which forms can Mary Black and Mia Webber see? 
  • Who can see the Hazard Report and the Task Assessment? 

7. Invite people using QR codes

Each company has a unique QR code which can be used to quickly access the system without the need to set up a password.  Click here to find out how to access your QR code. 

QR codes are great for giving people limited access to the system.  It works well for contractors who will only be on your site for a short time.  It is very quick and easy to access the system this way.  As people are not logged into the system, they appear anonymously as a ‘QR code user’  

  • Your company data is secure.  QR code users are not able to read data stored in the system, or save forms as draft to look at later. 
  • They only see forms for the QR code team
  • As they are anonymous, this encourages them to send sensitive information.  People often worry that their contract will not be renewed if they have unpopular news.  Because they are anonymous, they can not receive messages. 


Have a go

1. Search for your name in the list of Users

2. What permissions do you have? 

3. What teams are you a member or leader of? 

4. What forms are allocated to each of these teams

5. Open your mobile app.  Can you see the forms that you expected?