Product tour

Made to be easy

App builder

Flexibility to work the way you want.

Start with the standard forms, then easily customise them for how you work.

Proactively can be used in so many ways. Build new forms for health, safety, quality, security, productivity…. improving communication and breaking down barriers.

  • Simple drag and drop system to add and edit questions
  • Many question types, including signatures and photos
  • Always the latest version
  • Multilingual forms
  • Add your own branding
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Mobile reporting app

Quick and easy reporting wherever you are.

What do you need to report? An incident? An inspection? A hazard spotted? Send your report and get quickly back to work. Make EHS part of what happens, rather than bolted on after.

  • Android and Apple
  • Works offline
  • Photos describe a situation clearly
  • Encrypted questions keep sensitive data secure
  • Info popups lead you through the process
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Feedback loop

Show you are listening

Show people that you are listening, and appreciate their efforts

Send feedback directly into the mobile device

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Action tracker

Get things done.

Get good visibility. Find out about issues quickly and take prompt, effective action

  • Fix problems before they cause an incident
  • Prompt action can stop a situation getting worse
  • Early investigation finds the real cause more easily
  • Customise notifications, so your team leader receives the most important
  • Know what actions have been done and what needs chasing - without sitting in long meetings
  • Verify that an action is effective before closing out the report
  • All events are time and date stamped, so you can keep track of events and are always audit ready
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Learn and improve

View real time data to spot trends and know where your priorities lie. Make data driven, transparent decisions to target your resources effectively

Collect and share accurate data for tenders, corporate reports, ISO systems, and learning between sites.

  • Visualise and share data using a wide range of graphs
  • Add new dashboards
  • Self-serve analytics, easily customisable for individuals different needs
  • Add KPIs and watch as graphs change colour when your targets are achieved
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